Share what you ship

Beautiful, blazing-fast Vercel deployment dashboards. Free to use, with paid options from $5/month.

View some live examples: @strongly-typed, @nick.

Watch an end-to-end dashboard build demo:

Deployment frequency matters

One of the key DORA metrics, high deployment frequency signals your ability to iterate quickly and get things done. Shipshape lets you publicly and proudly share your Vercel deployment data with customers, employees, employers or anyone else via beautiful, data-driven, fully customizable dashboards.

Beautiful. Themeable. Configurable.

Pick all three. Create dashboards from a growing library of components, arranged in any layout you choose, configured to your heart’s content, set in a striking light or dark theme.

Built around Vercel

Vercel have redefined what it means to ship code fast for modern developers. Shipshape lets you share your Vercel deployment data—and only deployment data—with the world via an effortless Vercel integration. Link as many Vercel accounts (hobby or Pro) as you like.

You’ll find Shipshape in the official Vercel Integrations marketplace.

Ship. Share. Succeed.

Whether you’re a hardened indie hacker shipping features for your SaaS, a budding hobbyist working on your portfolio or a large organisation with multiple teams shipping multiple projects, sharing your shipping wins is good for everybody. Customers value progress and maintenance. Prospective employers value being able to see your ideas through. Future employees want to make sure they’re joining a company that walks the walk, not just talks the talk. Transparency is king.

Crafted, customizable components

Choose from a growing library of lovingly crafted components, each with a range of configuration options to make your dashboards pop. Expanding this library is our number one post-launch priority, and if you have any suggestions .

Seriously shareable

Every link you to share to your dashboard contains rich social metadata, including a preview image of your actual dashboard data. Fancy a bit more privacy? Private dashboards are coming soon for Power plan users.

All paid plans also offer dashboard auto refresh options—perfect for displaying dashboards up on a screen in your office or home.

Get things ship shape, for free

All accounts can create one dashboard for free, while paid plans start from $5/month and scale with your needs. Check out the pricing page for more details and when you’re ready, create an account.

Keep on shipping!